
She drives hard into him as she rolls her hips, releasing the first lock before moving onto the second, she leaves his hands as they are. Then she begins kissing his earlobe before taking it between her teeth and tugging, her hands moving to his hair as she smirks and bites harder, his soft gasp signalling another tug of his bonds, and a further gasp of surprise as his hands come free, his fingers immediately moving to her hips before he lifts her bodily and slams her hips down onto his, setting a harsh pace that cause her to groan in satisfaction.He quickly speeds up as he kisses her passionately, his own breath coming in short pants as it mingles with hers. He slams forcefully into her, not nearly as hard as he wants as the restraints cut into his flesh, the pain adding to his encroaching orgasm. From the vicelike grip of her muscles, he senses that hers is also nearby. Gripping harder, he feels her nails in his scalp before they sc**** down to his neck as her head tilts back, her. "Now come along. I'm hungry."She crawls behind on all fours. He tells her she may stand in the kitchen while preparing his breakfast and he walks into the living room, sits down on the couch and switches on the television."I want two poached eggs, a large bowl of granola, double cappuccino, a tall glass of water, and cut up that large papaya. Make the cappuccino first. You can make some tea for yourself and you may enjoy your tea while preparing breakfast."She begins to make his cappuccino, and then starts the water for the eggs and her tea. As she starts steaming the milk, he gets up from the couch and walks to the kitchen. As he enters, she turns and hands him his cappuccino. He thanks her and she smiles. She prepares her tea and lowers the water to simmer. She sips her tea before she begins slicing up the papaya."There are 20 hours of motorcycle and car shows recorded. We are going to have so much fun sitting around watching the television."She rolls her eyes with his words. He.
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